Tió de Nadal

This is the second year that Tió de Nadal has visited the students and with his visit they have learnt and reviewed this Catalan tradition.

It consists of bringing a wooden log home before Christmas, placing it in a corner with a blanket and feeding it daily with remnants of food until he is ready to defecate presents. Students took great care of him. On Friday, 13th of December, Tió stopped eating, which is a sign of him being ready to release the gifts.

Therefore, all of the groups sang the traditional song while gently tapping on it. As expected, Tió pooped gifts for every student in J2, J3, J4 and J5, who took part in this cultural activity.

They were all very excited and happy upon receiving their little presents.

Tio de nadal 2
Tio de nadal 1
Tio de nadal 3