PSHE is a statutory and valuable part of the National Curriculum of England and Wales and is therefore taught as a separate subject at Kensington School until the age of 16.

PSHE education can be described as ‘learning to live life well’. It deals with real-life social and economic issues affecting children, their families and communities. It develops the knowledge, understanding and skills students need to manage their lives, now and in the future.


During the one lesson per week (once every two weeks during GCSE years) a broad range of issues is presented and discussed. Specific topics include: keeping healthy, nutrition, relationship with others, citizenship, understanding yourself, bullying, time management, illegal substances, personal safety, study skills, public speaking, money management, racism and tolerance in society.

A wide range of strategies are employed including group work, presentations, use of ICT as a tool, individual projects, role-plays and viewing relevant documentary programmes. School assemblies are used to elaborate upon and emphasise topics studied in the classroom and Form Tutors also have an important role in reinforcing PSHE issues.

The promotion of our pupils’ personal development and emotional wellbeing is a fundamental aspect of education and PSHE lessons make an important contribution in this regard.


Kensington is more than just a school, it’s a home.

Clara, Form 2