History is a popular subject, offering much to the personal and academic development of our students. The syllabus is designed to instil a strong understanding of chronology – the sequence of historical events – whilst at the same time allowing students to explore a range of topics that are international in scope.
History provides identity and shows students models of good and responsible behaviour, as well as teaching them how to learn from the mistakes of others. History helps us understand how society can change and develop.
Key Stage 3
Students begin their studies in Iron Age Britain and move through the Roman conquests to explore European history. They then move around the world by learning about topics including the Aztec and Inca empires, African kingdoms before and after the trans-Atlantic slave trade and the Islamic civilizations of the Near East from the time of their early development.
Even more important than the topics studied are the key skills that are developed during this period of study; the ability to read and write at speed, to produce well-reasoned and balanced arguments and the ability to debate issues orally with confidence to name but a few.
Key Stage 4
Students follow the IGCSE History specification which covers a range of modern historical topics that are international in scope; the USA 1918-41, the Cold War 1943-72, Germany 1918-45 and the Middle East 1917-2012. These are fascinating topics that help to develop our students’ understanding of the world that we live in today and are topics that complement each other well in order to maximize success when they are examined at the end of the second year of study.
Sixth Form
At A level, students build on the strong foundations that are laid at IGCSE by broadening and deepening their understanding of 20th century history. Students follow the International A level syllabus and learn about all aspects of life in Britain between 1964-90 as well as the history of the Soviet Union between the years 1917-91. In the Upper Sixth, students carry out a detailed investigation into the early history of the United States of America from 1775-1865. As well as this, they study the development of international tension between 1871-1945 and its impact in shaping the modern world.