It is a very strong tradition in British schools, both in the UK and internationally, to have a flourishing House system and we are no exception.
Every pupil from Nursery to Upper 6th is allocated to one of Kensington’s three Houses: Lancaster, Middlesex and Victoria. They remain in the same House for their entire school career and this creates a real sense of fellowship and belonging to a group which our pupils really identify with; indeed, when speaking to former students they can all tell you what House they were in at school.
Our thriving House System encourages students to create a sense of teamwork as well as competing alongside each other in academic and sporting pursuits.
House Points can be earned through sports competitions that take place during the school year as well as other whole school events such as the charity fund-raisers, chess or the inter-house debating competition.
Every year, the school organises a Whole School sports day at the L’Hospitalet Nord Sporting Complex, enabling the houses to compete in a variety of track and field events. Additionally, a Sports Day for both Junior and Senior School is organised annually.
‘The House Cup’ is awarded at the end of the year to the House that has accumulated the highest number of points in the house championship during the year with the winning House being announced during the Prize Giving Ceremony in June.