The Eco-Schools programme is the ideal way for Kensington to embark on a meaningful path towards improving the environment in both the school and the local community while at the same time having a life-long positive impact on the lives of students, families, school staff and local authorities.

At Kensington we have formed a Junior and Senior School Eco-Committee, carried out an environmental survey and are currently carrying out our action plan with our primary focus this school year on ‘Recycling’. Our focus next year will be ‘water’. Even though we have already installed three more water fountains in addition to the two we already had.

All of our pupils have also been given a reusable metal water bottle which has eliminated the use of one-use plastic water bottles completely.

There is still lots of exciting Eco-work to be done at Kensington, our Junior and Senior Student Eco Committee members are enjoying the journey with the help of Mrs Bruyeron and Mr Vanderheyden.

2021 2022 F4 6 Eco Committee