In recent years, the National Poetry Day Poetry Recital Competition has become something of a tradition at Kensington. Each year, students write their own poem or find a well-known poem linked to the theme of the year and recite it in the hope of winning a coveted prize.
We are delighted to announce that this year, after a few years of online competition, we will be back in the School Theatre on the lunchtime of Thursday 6th October to hear finalists from J5 to the Upper 6th recite their poems before a panel of 6th form judges.
All other junior school finalists will have the opportunity to perform in the Junior School assembly on Friday 7th October to try and win a prize.
The first round of the competition will be taking place over the coming weeks in English classes during normal school lessons, and finalists will be selected by their teachers to go forward to perform on the big stage on the dates given above.
The theme of the year is THE ENVIRONMENT, a theme selected by the UK organisers of the national event. The judges will be considering these criteria in deciding on our winners:
performance skills
interpretation of the theme
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